Miss Kelly

DAY 1:

I joined the 'Made from the heart' 3 day episode on day two.  I was super excited to learn how to make quilts.  I've seen many of Miss White's impressive quilts and wanted to attempt one, but they are quite daunting to me.  I began the day a little worried my sewing skills wouldn't be up to scratch.

What I started with.

I found making the first block of my wonky log cabin quilt a little confusing because I kept forgetting where I should be adding my new piece of fabric.  Once I had the first block made it was pretty easy to make the rest because I used the same colours, so I could refer back to the first one and I figured out I should be adding my new pieces to the right of the piece I had just sewn on.  Miss White also gave me a great tip about using a pin to mark the first patch of the block.

The beginnings of my first ever quilt block.

Making the quilt blocks took quite a bit of persevering.  It took me all day to make 6 blocks - that's a lot of time at a sewing machine!  While I was making them I thought I was going quite fast, but then you complete one and realise you still have 4 more to go!

I had to show a little bit of resilience today too.  When it came to squaring up my blocks I found one was slightly too small.  I had to sew on a little bit more fabirc to fix it.  I didn't have much material left so I just used another scrap piece.  However, if I had more material and wasn't pushing myself to get all the blocks finished in one day I would have unpicked some of the block and made my 'logs' wider.

I finished the day by starting to piece and sew together my blocks into the top of the quilt.  I am really excited to get back to it tomorrow because I think I will be able to finish my quilt.  It's been really fun and interesting seeing what everyone else had been making too - they all look really great and their work acts as motivation to keep going.

My progress at the end of the day.

DAY 2:
Go, go, go!  Sew, sew, sew!

The race was on to get my quilt finished.  I started with having to sew all the blocks together - this was pretty quick and easy.  Then I had to stick the batting, back and front together, which was no problemo.  Next was machine quilting the diamond pattern over the front.  This took me a lot longer than I thought it would.  It wasn't hard, it was just time consuming.  I also had to unpick one of the lines because it looked a bit bunched up.  I finished machine quilting at the start of lunch.

Machine quilting and batting.

Sewing on the border.

After machine quilting I had to sew on the border and hand sew all the way around it.  I managed to do this quite quickly as I hand sew quite a bit.  This also meant I got everything finished before the end of the day.  Wahoo!  I completed my first ever quilt!  I hope whomever receives it at the hospital likes it and it becomes a keepsake.
Lines have been sprayed off and it is...
